Privacy Policy

Sun Chlorella Corporation (Sun Chlorella) would like to thank you for visiting our website( This Privacy Policy will tell you what information we collect about you and about your use of our website. It will explain how we do utmost to protect that information and what choices you have about how it is used. read this Private Policy so that you will understand our commitment to you and your privacy. By using our website you agree to the terms set forth within.

Sun Chlorella Corporation

1. Proper Acquisition of Personal Information

Sun Chlorella acquires the personal information through your orders, membership registration, various applications, inquiries, questionnaires, etc., in case of acquisition of your personal information. Sun Chlorella acquires in principle information provided from you, and shall not acquire such information without prior consent of the individual.
Sun Chlorella would like to ask you about your address, name, phone number, e-mail address and sex based on the operational necessity and for proof of identity. You do not always answer to the questions such as age and other ones. Please tell me as much about that as you can.
However, there are services which are not available if you cannot answer to our questions. Also, for the improvement of our service, there are cases that the speech communication between Sun Chlorella staff and you are recorded.

2. Utilization of Personal Information

Sun Chlorella utilizes your personal information for the following purposes. Sun Chlorella will not utilize the information beyond a scope in which it is reasonably considered that the utilization is necessary for achieving the purpose.

Utilization Purpose

1.Personal information relating to customers who ordered our products, which is provided through orders, membership registration, various applications, inquiries, and questionnaires.

    • Shipping and delivery of products you purchased, or materials, samples, and presents you requested
    • After-sales service*1 for customers who patronize our products

  *1 After-sales service includes phone call, direct mail, e-mail magazines, letters, and so on.

    • Distribution of direct mail relating to products, campaigns, events and health information or announcement or e-mail magazines, etc.*2
    • Response to inquiries from family members of customers and those who were introduced by customers regarding the status of customers’ purchases*2
    • Identification of family members of customers and those who were introduced by customers*2

  If you do not wish to receive the services marked with *1 or *2, Sun Chlorella will stop such services upon your request.

  • Response to those who contacted our customer service
  • Inquiries or contacts from Sun Chlorella to customers
  • Distributing the notification e-mail when the various necessary procedures including the purchase of products on our website are interrupted
  • Preparation of statistical data for marketing, sales promotion and product planning (However, personal identification is impossible.)

2. Personal Information Relating to Employment

    • Inquiry and notification to those who applied for the recruitment of Sun Chlorella
    • Acquisition and utilization of resume for employment selection

  If your application for employment is not accepted as the result of the employment selection, Sun Chlorella will not fail to inform you accordingly. As for the personal information which Sun Chlorella collect from the applicants, Sun Chlorella will waste them in a responsible manner. Please understand that we will not return the personal information.

3. Personal Information of Employees

  • Acquisition and utilization of each personal information for employment management of employee

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Sun Chlorella will not provide your personal information to the third party excluding the case when we get your explicit consent about the utilization of personal information you provided us. However, in the following cases, Sun Chlorella provides the information to the third party without the prior consent.

1. Cases in which the handling of personal information is based on laws and regulations.

2. Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual, the improvement of public health or promoting of the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain your consent.

3. Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for cooperation with a state organ, a local government, or any party delegated by either a state organ or local government to execute affairs prescribed by any law or ordinance and in which obtaining your consent is likely to impede the execution of those affairs.

For comparison, information such as joint utilization service like community site or exchange of e-mail you disclosed by yourself is regarded as the public information. Also, Sun Chlorella sometimes publishes the aggregate results that we processed the personal information statistically. However, it does not include the information that the personal identification is available.

4. Entrustment of Personal Information

Sun Chlorella will entrust your personal information to the companies entrusted with operations within the extent necessary for conducting the contents you applied.
In case Sun Chlorella entrusts the business to the another party, Sun Chlorella will select the delegated party based on our standard and also entrust the business only to the company which concluded the contract concerning the protection of personal information(security protection, prohibition of utilization other than for intentional purposes, safety control, and so on).

5. SSL(Secure Socket Layer)

Sun Chlorella utilizes “SSL (Secure Socket Layer)” that prevents the information interception by encrypting it when your personal information is sent by Internet for security on our website. “SSL” is the industry standard as one of the methods of ensuring the safety on communication on the website.

6. Cookies

Sun Chlorella uses “Cookies” to provide services. Cookies identify the user through the browser when visiting the website and can identify personal information. However, it will not be used for any purpose other than planning, aggregation, and analysis for the purpose of improving services. Please note that some parts of our website or services may not function properly if you disable Cookies.

7. Handling of Credit Card Information

Sun Chlorella uses the below payment agency and does not retain any of the customer’s credit card information.


The payment agency: GMO Payment Gateway


8. Matters concerning the procedure in replying to your requests for notification or disclosure of the utilization purpose of your personal information

Sun Chlorella will take the appropriate responses to your requests for notification, disclosure, amendments, additions or deletions of utilization purpose of your personal information, discontinuance and elimination of the utilization, discontinuance of offering the utilization purpose to the third party(here in after called “disclosure, etc.”).
Information that you requested is not shared between group campany. Please contact each company for the confirmation on your registration status.

1. Personal information having the authority to meet the request of disclosure, etc.

  • (1) Your Personal Information
  • (2) Personal Information for employment
  • (3) Personal Information of employees

2. Personal information it is impossible to meet the request of disclosure, etc.

Personal information that Sun Chlorella gets from the original source is out of disclosure.
Under certain circumstances, there are times when we cannot respond to the request of disclosure of your personal information provided in the law. We appreciate your understanding. In that case, decision of non-disclosure will be notified with the reasons for the refusal.

3. How to request of disclosure, etc.

With regard to the inquiries regarding your personal information, please contact the following links below. Sun Chlorella will advise you the details about the procedure in accordance with your contact. Sun Chlorella requests you the submission of documents required for identity verification in this procedure.

(1) Commission for personal information disclosure

Regarding the notification or disclosure of utilization purpose of your personal information, there are cases that the prescribed fee will be charged to you every time a bill comes in. Also, there are cases that Sun Chlorella cannot disclose your personal information due to unavoidable reasons.

(2) Contact information for making any inquiry or filing a complaint regarding the handling of your personal information

Please contact the following to make any inquiry or file a complaint regarding the handling of your personal information.

9. Contact information for inquiries regarding your personal information

10. Click here to withdraw your consent to cookies
