Sun Chlorella A Powder for support team

Sun Chlorella A is a high-quality, safe and natural nutritional supplement containing over 60 nutrients and ingredients. It includes essential amino acids, proteins, minerals, vitamins, chlorophyll, carotene, and other nutrients found in green and yellow vegetables that are essential for staying healthy. Among them, protein accounts for a high proportion of 60%, which is a rare figure for plants. We use the pyrenoidosa species (Sun Chlorella strain) cultivated outdoors in sunlight, which contains vitamin B12. Thanks to our unique patented technology, we have successfully pulverized over 90% of its cell wall and solved a major problem that affects digestion and absorption. As it is 100% plant-based, vegans can also take it without any worries. This product is made from dried chlorella into powder form.
*The below prices are for our global online shopping only.
Please kindly click here and check prices if you are planning to purchase our products in Japan.

Obtained certification

  • NSFスポーツ認証
  • インフォームドスポーツ認証
  • ヴィーガンマーク

Product type

  • 30 packets (180g)

    JPY 9,720

Product details

180g (6g×30 packets) / 30-day supply
Raw materials
Pulverized chlorella
Country of origin
How to drink
Add 1 packet per day to milk, water, orange juice or your favorite drink.

More information of the material of this product

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